Cave's aerogel fibers are more effective than down, according to new research from the Chinese Academy of Sciences

AEROGELS with low density, high porosity and large specific surface area are considered to be the next generation of heat preservation materials with great application prospect, its application is limited by its weak mechanical properties and complex manufacturing process.
Recently, researchers at the Suzhou nanoinstitute of nanotechnology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have developed a "super thermal insulation material" —— A nanoaerogel made from Kevlar fibers, which is much more flexible than conventional thermal insulation materials, this new material can perform heat insulation and heat preservation for a long time at extremely low-196 °C and extremely high temperature of 300 °C, and has relatively good mechanical properties. It is expected to replace ultra-fine fibers, or even upend down, as the next generation of thermal fibers to become the main direction of development. The results were recently published in the journal American Chemical Society, ACS Nano.