Accelerated Desalination of seawater by portable positive osmosis seawater desalination membrane unit of Ningbo Institute of Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences
It is reported that the current domestic desalination of seawater more use of "reverse osmosis" seawater desalination technology. This is an extremely complex systems engineering, not only covers a large area, high energy consumption, but also high operating and maintenance costs, not suitable for small-scale application and promotion, and it is difficult to ensure an effective supply of emergency nutrition liquid. Ningbo Materials Institute team developed "portable" desalination based on "positive osmosis" technology, is a rising in recent years forward-looking technology, without seawater pressure, low energy consumption, can greatly reduce the "fresh water" cost. In the material development, the team of Ningbo Materials Institute fine-tuned the structure of the supporting Membrane Pore, and then modified the surface of the membrane to obtain the excellent performance of the positive osmosis membrane material. The cross-section of the material is interpenetrating network structure, and the membrane has high strength. PAA carboxyl group endows the membrane with stronger hydrophilicity, which is favorable for the rapid passage of water molecules. The team will "upgrade" forward osmosis membrane sealed on all sides of the device, applied to the field of emergency desalination. Testing results show that the device is more than 2.5 times more efficient than Hti dehydration Technologies INC's similar products. "The ability to 'desalinate' the membrane without any inner core and with simple cleaning has a significant advantage in treating highly polluted water bodies, " said the team leader. Source: Ningbo daily